
Special Operators

Search operators refine your search to help you find specific cards and create highly tailored lists. Trello will suggest operators for you as you type, but here’s a full list to keep in mind.

These operators will also work in the “Archive” search bar. See Archiving and deleting cards for more details.

-operator - You can add “-” to any operator to do a negative search, such as -has:members to search for cards without any members assigned.

@name - Returns cards assigned to a member. If you start typing @, Trello will suggest members for you. member: also works. @me will include only your cards.
label: - Returns labeled cards. Trello will suggest labels for you if you start typing a name or color. For example, label:”FIX IT” will return cards with the label named “FIX IT”. #label also works.

board:id - Returns cards within a specific board. If you start typing board:, Trello will suggest boards for you. You can search by board name, too, such as “board:trello” to search only cards on boards with trello in the board name.


-board:parkbox spring // search spring except board parkbox

list:name - Returns cards within the list named “name”. Or whatever you type besides “name”.

has:attachments - Returns cards with attachments. has:description, has:cover, has:members, and has:stickers also work as you would expect.

due:day - Returns cards due within 24 hours. due:week returns cards that are due within the following 7 days. due:month, and due:overdue also work as expected. You can search for a specific day range. For example, adding due:14 to search will include cards due in the next 14 days. You can also search for due:complete or due:incomplete to search for due dates that are marked as complete or incomplete.

created:day - Returns cards created in the last 24 hours. created:week and created:month also work as expected. You can search for a specific day range. For example, adding created:14 to the search will include cards created in the last 14 days.

edited:day - Returns cards edited in the last 24 hours. edited:week and edited:month also work as expected. You can search for a specific day range. For example, adding edited:21 to the search will include cards edited in the last 21 days.

description:, checklist:, comment:, and name: - Returns cards matching the text of card descriptions, checklists, comments, or names. For example, comment:”FIX IT” will return cards with “FIX IT” in a comment.

is:open returns open cards. is: archived returns archived cards. If neither is specified, Trello will return both types.

is:starred - Only include cards on starred boards.